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Jersey Law Commission Press Release: Parish Assemblies


The Jersey Law Commission seeks comments on a Consultation Paper about the laws governing Parish Assemblies in Jersey.

The existing laws are mainly in French dating back to 1804, and earlier. They are an important part of Jersey’s legal heritage, but they do not always provide clear answers to many procedural questions to which modern conditions give rise. For example, do the laws enable virtual attendance at Parish Assemblies? Do they allow for voting by proxy or a postal vote? Can binding polls or referenda of any sort be conducted? There are also calls to address the special needs of St Helier as Jersey’s capital. (See *end.)

The Jersey Law Commission has explored a possible legal framework to enable reforms to be enacted more easily, in the English language, whilst avoiding a wholesale repeal and replacement of the existing laws and customs. In its Consultation Paper, the Commission asks for comment on suggested provisions which would enable the States to enact Regulations on all matters governing Parish Assemblies and parish administration. Under the suggested draft Law, such Regulations might also empower the Comité des Connétables to make Orders on certain matters; and also allow for a Parish Assembly to make by-laws where necessary. The States would be able to amend any of the existing Laws by such Regulations (without needing Royal Assent).

The Consultation Paper invites comment by no later than 31st October 2023 on the Commission’s proposal and on a suggested text of an enabling Law.

5th June 2023

(*End) See P.97/2022 Amd.(7) which seeks funding for a project to establish a conseil municipal for St Helier.

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